Lights, Camera, Action! UNCSA High School Graduation

May 18, 2016

For the second year in a row the Parent Support Organization (PSO) at UNC School of the Arts asked me to do "behind the scenes" photos of the high school students before their graduation ceremony.  They have a small photo booth set up then they head to rooms separated by which art they are studying.  

{a few photos from the photo booth}

It's no secret that my full time job is at this amazing arts school.  One of the BEST Fine Arts schools in the COUNTRY!!  I don't get to work with students one on one so when I get to do fun things like this I leave reminded of just how talented all of these young people are.  Visual Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Film and Drama majors!  So. Much. Talent!! 

While the parents were getting the students lined up we hear this amazing sound coming from the room the drama students were grouped in.  WOW!  I still get chills thinking about it.  These kids were singing!!!  And I mean, SINGING!  From their hearts.  To each other.  To everyone.  

Congratulations Class of 2016!!!  


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